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Results 621-630 of 653 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Comparison of Endothelial Keratoplasty Techniques in Patients With Prior Glaucoma Surgery: A Case-Matched StudyLin S.R.; Prapaipanich P.; Yu F.; Law S.K.; Caprioli J.; Aldave A.J.; Deng S.X.
2003Genioglossus advancement and hyoid myotomy under local anesthesiaNeruntarat C.
2006Effect of fruit and vegetable intake on skin carotenoid detected by non-invasive Raman spectroscopyRerksuppaphol S.; Rerksuppaphol L.
1999ECT knowledge in psychiatrists, psychiatry residents, and medical students : Effect of trainingChanpattana W.
2017Comparison of Breastfeeding Outcomes between Using the Laid-Back and Side-Lying Breastfeeding Positions in Mothers Delivering by Cesarean Section: A Randomized Controlled TrialPuapornpong P.; Raungrongmorakot K.; Laosooksathit W.; Hanprasertpong T.; Ketsuwan S.
2016Is a 6-week supervised pelvic floor muscle exercise program effective in preventing stress urinary incontinence in late pregnancy in primigravid women?: A randomized controlled trialSangsawang B.; Sangsawang N.
2016The effect of ginger on breast milk volume in the early postpartum period: A randomized, double-blind controlled trialParitakul P.; Ruangrongmorakot K.; Laosooksathit W.; Suksamarnwong M.; Puapornpong P.
2015A randomized double-blind controlled trial of Lactobacillus acidophilus plus bifidobacterium bifidum versus placebo in patients with hypercholesterolemiaRerksuppaphol S.; Rerksuppaphol L.
2016Goniothalamin induces apoptosis associated with autophagy activation through MAPK signaling in SK-BR-3 cellsInnajak S.; Mahabusrakum W.; Watanapokasin R.
2021Any heart failure treatments associated with worsening renal function in patients admitted due to acute heart failure?Limkunakul C.; Srisantithum B.; Lerdrattanasakulchai Y.; Laksomya T.; Jungpanich J.; Sawanyawisuth K.