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Title: Discovering digital technology training challenges for future-ready educator: A preliminary study from trainer perspective
Authors: Zeehan F.
Alias R.A.
Tasir Z.
Issue Date: 2020
Abstract: Currently, education globally is very challenging and experiencing rapid development that requires the educator to transform the way of teaching. Few empirical studies show that educator have yet to optimize the use of digital technologies in their educational practice, although a lot of training initiatives had been done. Therefore, the aim of this study is to explore whether there are any issues with digital technology training specifically in a post-secondary education institution of Malaysia. A qualitative approach using comparable case selection under general sampling strategies was implemented to scrutinize challenges of digital technology training based on trainer perceptions. Five interviews data were collected, four of them, right after digital technology training took place and the other one was a representative from the ministry, which data is used to support the information. A thematic analysis using thematic map technique was used to produce the related theme. The results from open coding showed 48 codes were analyzed to form ten categories. Ten categories were classified based on Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) lens then organized into personal, behavior and environmental factor that work reciprocally. Saturated themes were found from frequency table help to developed a conceptual framework of digital technology training. The finding of this study gives meaningful insights for future investigation developing a digital technology training framework for future-ready educators. Copyright © 2020 by authors, all rights reserved. Authors agree that this article remains permanently open access under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License
ISSN: 23323205
Appears in Collections:Scopus 1983-2021

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