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Effectiveness of 0.1% topical tacrolimus in adult and children patients with vitiligo

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dc.contributor.author Udompataikul M.
dc.contributor.author Boonsupthip P.
dc.contributor.author Siriwattanagate R.
dc.date.accessioned 2021-04-05T03:35:21Z
dc.date.available 2021-04-05T03:35:21Z
dc.date.issued 2011
dc.identifier.issn 3852407
dc.identifier.other 2-s2.0-79957909125
dc.identifier.uri https://ir.swu.ac.th/jspui/handle/123456789/14523
dc.identifier.uri https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-79957909125&doi=10.1111%2fj.1346-8138.2010.01067.x&partnerID=40&md5=a5b6f1cc352605e4f84c2ac5beaf3240
dc.description.abstract Topical corticosteroids and phototherapy are the conventional treatments of vitiligo. However, the acrofacial and segmental types are often unresponsive to these treatments. Nowadays, a few studies have been conducted on efficacy of topical tacrolimus in treatment of vitiligo including vulgaris and segmental types. Nevertheless, the acrofacial type has never been investigated with this topical therapy. The aim of our study is to evaluate the effectiveness of 0.1% tacrolimus ointment in patients including all types of vitiligo. Forty-two patients with vitiligo (22 adults, 20 children) were enrolled in this study. They were treated with 0.1% tacrolimus ointment twice daily for 6 months. Of these 42 patients, 38 of them completed the treatment process. The mean age of the patients was 27.8 years. The response rate was 76.09%. The vulgaris and focalis had a maximum response rate of 94.12%. The response rates for segmentalis and acrofacialis were 76.92% and 56.25% respectively. Concerning the response, age groups, types and location of vitiligo, there was significant difference in all variables (P = 0.001, P = 0.001, P = 0.025, respectively). Children had approximately nine times higher odds (95% CI = 1.09, 81.88) of having better response to the treatment than adults. The disease duration of 5 years or less also showed a better response. In conclusion, topical tacrolimus can be used for the treatment of patients with vitiligo. We recommend that, other than in the vulgaris type, topical tacrolimus may be considered as a treatment for two difficult to treat types of vitiligo, acrofacialis and segmentalis, before considering other modalities. © 2010 Japanese Dermatological Association.
dc.subject tacrolimus
dc.subject adult
dc.subject article
dc.subject burning sensation
dc.subject child
dc.subject clinical article
dc.subject clinical trial
dc.subject disease duration
dc.subject drug efficacy
dc.subject erythema
dc.subject female
dc.subject groups by age
dc.subject human
dc.subject male
dc.subject topical treatment
dc.subject treatment outcome
dc.subject treatment response
dc.subject vitiligo
dc.subject Administration, Cutaneous
dc.subject Adult
dc.subject Child
dc.subject Female
dc.subject Humans
dc.subject Immunosuppressive Agents
dc.subject Male
dc.subject Tacrolimus
dc.subject Treatment Outcome
dc.subject Vitiligo
dc.title Effectiveness of 0.1% topical tacrolimus in adult and children patients with vitiligo
dc.type Article
dc.rights.holder Scopus
dc.identifier.bibliograpycitation Journal of Dermatology. Vol 38, No.6 (2011), p.536-540
dc.identifier.doi 10.1111/j.1346-8138.2010.01067.x

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