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A min-max model predictive control approach to robust power management in ambulatory wireless sensor networks

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dc.contributor.author Witheephanich K.
dc.contributor.author Escano J.M.
dc.contributor.author Munoz De La Pena D.
dc.contributor.author Hayes M.J.
dc.date.accessioned 2021-04-05T03:32:51Z
dc.date.available 2021-04-05T03:32:51Z
dc.date.issued 2014
dc.identifier.issn 19328184
dc.identifier.other 2-s2.0-84913529312
dc.identifier.uri https://ir.swu.ac.th/jspui/handle/123456789/14010
dc.identifier.uri https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84913529312&doi=10.1109%2fJSYST.2013.2271388&partnerID=40&md5=98e84f745aa51ab251b2ca3d63898856
dc.description.abstract This paper addresses the problem of transmission power control within a network of resource-constrained wireless sensors that operate within a particular ambient healthcare environment. Sensor data transmitted to a remote base station within the network arrive subject to node location, orientation, and movement. Power is optimally allocated to all channels using a novel resource efficient algorithm. The proposed algorithm is based on a computationally efficient min-max model predictive controller that uses an uncertain linear state-space model of the tracking error that is estimated via local received signal strength feedback. An explicit solution for the power controller is computed offline using a multiparametric quadratic solver. It is shown that the proposed design leads to a robust control law that can be implemented quite readily on a commercial sensor node platform where computational and memory resources are extremely limited. The design is validated using a fully IEEE 802.15.4 compliant testbed using Tmote Sky sensor nodes mounted on fully autonomous MIABOT Pro miniature mobile robots. A repeatable representative selection of scaled ambulatory scenarios is presented that is quite typical of the data that will be generated in this space. The experimental results illustrate that the algorithm performs optimal power assignments, thereby ensuring a balance between energy consumption and a particular outage-based quality of service requirement while robustly compensating for disturbance uncertainties such as channel fading, interference, quantization error, noise, and nonlinear effects. © 2007-2012 IEEE.
dc.subject Algorithms
dc.subject Controllers
dc.subject Energy utilization
dc.subject Fading channels
dc.subject Feedback
dc.subject Machine design
dc.subject Outages
dc.subject Power control
dc.subject Power management (telecommunication)
dc.subject Predictive control systems
dc.subject Quality of service
dc.subject Robust control
dc.subject Sensor nodes
dc.subject Standards
dc.subject State space methods
dc.subject Affine function
dc.subject IEEE 802.15.4
dc.subject Min-max model predictive controls
dc.subject Multi-parametric programming
dc.subject Received signal strength indicators
dc.subject Wireless sensor
dc.subject Wireless sensor network (WSNs)
dc.subject Model predictive control
dc.title A min-max model predictive control approach to robust power management in ambulatory wireless sensor networks
dc.type Article
dc.rights.holder Scopus
dc.identifier.bibliograpycitation IEEE Systems Journal. Vol 8, No.4 (2014), p.1060-1073
dc.identifier.doi 10.1109/JSYST.2013.2271388

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