The presenter discussed the concept of developing an online training with interactive multimedia technology models that could be used for both on-site and online training. This is to alleviate trainees' time, place, and readiness constraints as a result of the coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. The multimedia lesson design and development were based on the 5 steps of the ADDIE Model were followed; (1) Analysis (2) Design (3) Development (4) Implementation, and (5) Evaluation. This development was developed a training package on the Zotero bibliographic management program and writing references in an academic paper. The results of the quality evaluation of those training packages by experts and learners revealed that the content and design aspects to improve the learning process are of very high quality.
The learner can study the lesson at https://oklib2010.my.canva.site/learning-zotero independently, which have 8 lessons, each lesson consists of as follows; (1) Content (2) Exercises to knowledge review at the end of the lesson and (3) A test to measure knowledge at the end of the lesson.