This research was aimed at studying the use of the
national medical benefit insurance scheme among various
members of the Thai working age, as well as related
determinant factors. Data obtained from the Health and
Welfare Survey, conducted in 2013 by the National Statistical
Office of the Ministry of Information and Communication
Technology, were used in the study.
The results showed that more than half (55.02 %) of
the working age utilized the medical insurance scheme during
that year. Hence, the proportion of the working age obtaining
benefits was only slightly higher than the proportion of nonusers.
Logistic regression analysis of the usage of the scheme
and associated factors, i.e. factors related to the individuals’
background and their ability to receive health care services,
and factors related to their illness, revealed that the factors
that were significant in determining the usage of medical
benefits among the Thai working age were region of the
country, type of medical benefit programs, personal medical
problems, symptoms, and level of illness severity. On the
other hand, insignificant factors associated with the usage of
the scheme were the sex, age, education, number of
members in the household (household size), marital status,
and residential area of the individuals concerned. Based on
the study results and in accordance with the hypotheses of
this study, it was found that individuals with different
backgrounds and ability to receive health care services, and
those with varying levels of illness would make different
decisions regarding their use of such benefits.