This research aimed to analyze confirmatory factors and to examine the consistency of the management model of medium-sized agribusiness for sustainability. The data were collected via a questionnaire distributed to 150 business owners and employees who were selected by purposive sampling. Data analysis utilized descriptive statistics were mean and standard deviation (S.D.), analysis of confirmatory factors. The reliability was .91. Research findings indicated that 1) the average scale of the questionnaire results were high in all aspects; 2) the management model of medium-sized agribusiness for sustainability consisted of 4 factors which were knowledge building factor (rating scale=0.904), transformational leadership factor (rating scale= 0.975), business relations factor (rating scale= 0.991) and community relations building factor (rating scale= 0.977); all factors were statistically significant at the .05 level; and 3) the consistency of the management model of medium-sized agribusiness for sustainability and the empirical data of confirmatory factors were consistent at Chi-square 2=142.89, df = 146, p = .557, AGFI = 0.92, RMSEA = 0.00, SRMR = 0.03 and group comparison index CFI=1.00. When considering the consistency criteria, the results indicated that the medium-sized agribusiness management model for sustainability was consistent with the empirical data.