This paper is concerned with reduced contrastive wh-clefts and reduced
identificational wh-clefts. I argue that cases of apparent wh-movement of bare
wh-expressions are instances of reduced contrastive wh-clefts and reduced
identificational wh-clefts. This paper first deals with the semantics and syntax of
reduced contrastive wh-clefts which have the same properties as contrastive wh-clefts.
The three major consequences of analyzing apparent cases of wh-movement are
considered. First, only wh-subjects can occur as a cleftee. Second, wh-objects can occur
as a cleftee only when passive markers are present. Last, only who can occur as a
cleftee. These restrictions result naturally from the analysis. The remainder of the paper
is devoted to reduced identificational wh-clefts. In particular, they involve clefting of
D-linked wh-expressions. I argue that the semantics and syntax of reduced
identificational wh-clefts share the same properties as identificational wh-clefts. Two
predictions that result from the analysis are discussed.