This engineering project, the objective is to manage and prevent loss problems from repairing machinery by making measures to prevent problems which will consist of regular inspection measures, measures for problem checking and basic troubleshooting measures to reduce risks that may cause defects or impact on products or machinery. By studying the various data, we know that the injection molding machine has a very long period of equipment failure. Which is caused by machinery failure or malfunction and methods that do not meet standards. Therefore, the analysis of FMEA which is impact analysis techniques is used. Which will analyze
the function of the machine and then analyze the nature of the defects that may occur and can affect products or machinery after that, risk assessment for each cause by using the numbers showing priority of risk as criteria In rating which will be aware of the risks that may cause losses, and then establish measures to prevent problems which will consist of regular inspection measures problem checking measures and basic problem solving measures. Resulting in the plastic injection machine to have a way to work, the maintenance department to check the standardized problems.