The aim of this engineering project was to study the influence of sintering with multi-purpose torch condition affecting physical and mechanical properties of forming copper clay by comparing sintering properties of electric oven. The study process began with the determination of sintering conditions using an electric oven, which was carboxylmethyl cellulose binder type. And methyl cellulose at the percentage of binders 1%, 3% and 5%. Sintering temperature 900 degrees Celsius for two hours, then the results show that the conditions for passing the standard are CMC 1%, CMC 3%, CMC 5% and MC 1%. Use the above conditions for forming. To test for the suitable conditions for sintering By using a multi- purpose torch. From the above operating conditions, such as the type of burned work at a point and loop at the duration of 10, 15 and 20 minutes, then take the
physical and mechanical properties test for analysis. Consequently, the most suitable condition is to use 5% carboxymethyl cellulose binder and to sinter all over the workpiece for 20 minutes. This condition had volumetric shrinkage after forming about 12. 7%. The physical property after forming and drying was in a rigid state. The workpiece was well blended and was able to be molded. After sintering, workpiece was mixed into copper
completely. The volumetric shrinkage was 39. 65%, and the density was 4. 65 gram per cubic centimeter. In conclusion, the result of experiment to form and to use multi-purpose torch sinters all over the workpiece for 20 minutes showed that the workpiece was totally merged into copper. Also, the clay was able to be molded easily in many shapes.