This study of volunteer-spirited single mothers in a case study for the Women's Health Advocacy Foundation, had the following objectives: (1) to study of the process of teenage single mothers becoming volunteer-spirited single mothers; (2) to study of factors that promote the decision-making of adolescent single mothers towards becoming a volunteer-spirited single mother and suggest guidelines to encourage teenagesingle mothers to become volunteer-spirited single mother by conductinga research methodology in the form of qualitative research and with theinformants in this research. The researchers collected data with theresearch participants divided between 17 teenage single mothers in the Women Health Advocacy Foundation, 10-19 years of age, withexperience as a teenage single mother of at least 2 years and avolunteer and the five person staff of Women Health Advocacy Foundation and a total of 22 people. The results can be summarized as follows: (1) the process of being a volunteer-spirited single mother, self-transformation to become a volunteer-spirited single mother are theresult of pushing themselves to come up with the concept ofdevelopment and change, such as becoming a volunteer to help societywith a group of people who have the same problems they do. They will bring their experiences to develop and find solutions to solve and passon solutions to other single mothers; (2) the factors promoting decision-making among volunteer-spirited single mothers, encountering socialproblems and the obstacles of being a teenage single mother in thesocial, mental, and lifestyle aspects. Motivating young single motherscan see improvements and opportunities for a better life. It is thebeginning of a new perspective on life, creating a concept of self-worth to feel presence and social benefits; (3) being a volunteer-spirited single mother is a relationship building of a single mother, adolescents and the process of being a volunteer to help society by concepts, creatingguidelines, and setting points in life. It creates opportunities and passes on the opportunity to help and strengthen guidelines for the development of people who have problems like themselves.