Research subject. "Adaptation of "Chinese entrepreneurs," under the policy, the Thai
economic nationalism "(1932-1944), aims to study the policy "Economic Nationalism,
Thailand, the Thai government in recent years.(1932-1944). The impact. "Chinese
entrepreneurs, and to study the adaptation of "Chinese entrepreneurs," under the policy,
the Thai economic nationalism, "including the influence of adaptation of the" capitalist
Chinese "on the Thai economy.
The results showed that Since the Thai government since the year 1932 change
of government policy, the Thai economic nationalism, "the violence more stringent role to
promote the" Thais "to replace" Chinese capitalists, allowing the Thai government has
implemented various policies. That affect the lives of "Chinese entrepreneurs," which
affect the adaptation of the Chinese capitalists and the nature of the reaction of the
Chinese capitalists towards the various Thai government in two ways, namely. Request
granted, and to express their dissatisfaction with the operation of the Thai government.
And the nature of the identity of the Chinese capitalists. Which have different
characteristics in two major Chinese capitalists is to demonstrate the nature of the Thai
Chinese capitalists and maintaining the nature of Chinese politics. But from the Thai
government continues to rely on the Chinese capitalists in the economy makes Chinese
capitalists as a group still lacks the power of the Thai economy is restored.