The objective were 1) to study the condition of research proposal writing and research
dissemination, 2) to investigate the congruency of the causal relationship model among bio-psychosocial
factors, attitude toward doing research, qualification of the mentor with the research proposal
writing and research dissemination. This study employed the mixed research method comprising
qualitative and quantitative research methodologies. The research sample for the quantitative study
consisted of 6 0 mentors. Data for qualitative study were collected via the use of interviews and
analyzed using the content analysis. The quantitative study consisted of 250 University instructors.
The employed data collecting instruments were the self-administered questionnaires. Research data
were analyzed using the path analysis with the LISREL program. Research finding were as follows:
1. The condition of research proposal writing and research dissemination is researcher
characteristics, supporting agency, funding and technology.
2. The model fitted with the empirical data (χ2/df= 1.046, GFI = .997, AGFI = .975, RMSEA
= .014, CFI = 1.000). Consequently, three causal variables could demonstrate the variance of the
research proposal writing and research dissemination at 82.9 and 24.8 percent respectively.