This research aimed at a development on a Board Game to promote an Information literacy for lower
secondary students. The research was carried out by conducting a literature review, focus group interviews, and
prototype testing on a sample population of 1,184 junior high school students from the Demonstration School
of Srinakharinwirot University Prasarnmit (Secondary) in the academic year of 2022. The first interview group
consisted of 15 volunteer students who were divided into two groups: those who had prior experience playing
board games (8 students) and those who did not (7 students) with the purpose of creating a prototype board
game. The second interview group consisted of 11 volunteer students who were interviewed and tested with
the prototype. The results of the study indicated that the board game designed to promote information literacy
among junior high school students at the Demonstration School of Srinakharinwirot University Prasarnmit
(Secondary) required students to plan, choose information retrieval tools, and comprehend referencing and
bibliography, which is a type of information literacy. Information literacy is a skill that must be learned and
practiced as it is not innate. Therefore, students must utilize decision-making, analysis, synthesis, and
observation skills to acquire the knowledge of finding information on their own. The future development of
board games should involve online database research to ensure that the gameplay is in line with the digital