Unmanned aircrafts have developed the efficiency of the machine for the benefit of a various of applications and efficiency. Until the unmanned aircrafts are able to do more functions, therefore having to separate the types of unmanned aircrafts which can be divided into 2 main types: unmanned aircrafts developed for civilian and unmanned aircrafts developed for military. By military unmanned aircrafts, there are many classification criteria but most of them are categorized according to usage characteristics because it is the easiest method, which can be divided into 3 types: used as targets for ground-fire training for anti-aircraft, using reconnaissance for news, and the use of targeted attacks. In addition, they are categorized by size, range and durability in the operation of unmanned aircraft, and dividing according to the carrying capacity and flight radius. In this type of classification, it is convenient to use and to control the number of military unmanned aircraft exportation. All types of US military unmanned aircrafts have been used in missions in the Afghan war. Especially the unmanned attack aircrafts which have developed the violence and effectiveness of attacks on later models. As well as improving the efficiency of unmanned aircrafts for strategic capabilities and helping the army in other parts such as Global Hawk (RQ-4A).