This research study aimed to studied and analyzed the historical empathy of pre-service teachers in Social studies. This is a survey research that the duration of the data collection was 4 weeks. The research procedure was divided into 2 phrases, phrase one was to develop tools used to collect historical empathy: a self-assessment test about perception of historical empathy and observation form, and phrase 2 was to collect data about perception of historical empathy of pre-service teachers. The target group composed of 120 pre-service teachers who divided into 2 groups: group one pre-service teachers who have not studied the historical methodology and evidence totaling 60 pre-service teacher and group two pre-service teachers who studied the historical methodology and evidence totaling 60 pre-service teachers. The result of the research could be summarized as follows; arithmetic mean (X̅) of self-assessment scores on perception of historical empathy of pre-service teachers in social studies Each element found Element 1, exposure to different perspectives, arithmetic mean was 5-6 points at the same level in all questions. Element 2: Historical context study had different levels of arithmetic in verse in question 5, group 1 was 6 points and group 2 was 5 points, and in the same level in question 6 that 5 points. Element 3, the link between the past and the present with the understanding arithmetic mean was 5-6 points at the same level in all questions. The guidelines for promoting historical empathy was (1) the preparation of the curriculum was the background of the pre-service teacher should be checked regarding the ability to interpret historical evidence, practical interpretation of historical evidence, classification of courses, the historical methodology and evidence were subjects learned during the early years, criteria for selecting content and historical evidence and organized activities in classrooms with computers or allow students to use communication equipment. (2) The preparation of the instruction had criteria for the selection of historical evidence used in the study and encouraged self-study other historical evidence, had a process of enhancing the ability to interpret historical evidence and questioning to help pre-service teacher to think and participate in activities.