Forests are a valuable resource in the ecosystem because of an original of upstream and soil and
water conservation. Moreover, the forest plays a role in reducing CO2 in the air, which is mainly emitted
from large urban area Bangkok also faces this problem. This research aims to estimate leaf area index
(LAI), biomass, and aboveground carbon sequestration (AGCS)at Lumpini Park. Pathumwan, Bangkok.
Geoinformatics, allometric equation, and field survey (e.g. hight and diameter at breast height: DBH) are
applied for this research. Findings found that the study area consists of 79 types of trees and number of
trees are 3,082. These data is converted to estimate LAI, biomass, and AGCS. It shows that estimated LAI
equals 530,210.40, with an average 0.92 per square mether. Biomass is 2,541,762.19 Kilogram in
approximately (7.06 tonne Carbon/Rai or 44.13 tonne Carbon/ha). AGCS can be estimated by
1,270,881.09 Kilogram Carbon (3.53 tonne Carbon/Rai or 22.06 tonne Carbon/ha). The results are
mapped to represent type of tree, LAI, biomass, and AGCS estimation. The result are a databasefor
management ofpark areasor planningtobuild anew park.