The purposes of this study were to analyze the risk areas and compare the areas with the accident reports of The Bus Number8. The relationship between speed and position which could be risk of accidents were collected from The Bus No.8. Verifying the areas which had accidents were used the research process to find information and check it according to actual situation where the bus had high speed. To investigate, the Global Positioning System: GPS were necessary for testing the bus’ speed. It had been used to collect data in the morning and evening. Finding ranges of speed was calculated by DNR Garmin which had been set to save range of the road in every 10 seconds at a point. The data from DNR Garmin was evaluated the buses’ average speed between points in each range of the road by ARC GIS programs. During the buses ran fast have more risk to accidents, so the information had been examined with the real accident areas. Then, we checked the physical factors of the street and traffic signs that may affect the accidents. The result can be used for achieve the correction and prevention, to reduce the accidents of The Bus No.8. The finding indicated that the calculating at ranges of high speed points as a result of the study about accident areas is associated with the accident report. Therefore, it is according to the hypothesis, the physical factors of the street and traffic signs are the results of the accidents. The statistics of accidents should be correct from every bus in order to evaluate and improve the security of transportation.