The Guideline of Coastal Tourism Management in Koh-SamaehSarn, Chonburi Province’s purpose were1) to study context of coastal tourism. 2) to study situation of coastal tourism. 3) to develop the guideline to manage coastal tourism at KohSamaesarn, Chonburi Province. Semi-structured interwiew was using for interview tourism management stakeholder at KohSamaesarn, and questionnaire was using for collecting data of 400 sample. Data were analyzed by using statistically program, statistical analyzed in term of Frequency, Percentage, Mean and standard deviation.
The results of the study were as follow:Purpose of tourists’s travel havior were relaxing, interested in diving and snorkeling activities, mostly travel by private cars as group of friends, and tourist received information from social media the most. Tourist satisfied in the coastal tourism management KohSamaesarn, Chonburi Province. In high level in each part as the followings: attractions, ability to access, facilities, activities, and management. Tourist had opinions that effect from tourism to resources in every part was in medium level and tourist had opinion that community’s stakeholder had paticipate in every part in high level.
Suggestions and guideline of coastal tourism management at KohSamaesarn, Chonburi Province include with increasing efficiency of public relations about KohSamaesarn, both of the beautiful scenic and tourism activities via social medias, consider suitably to discount passenger ship fare and not over the standard price, increase public health system such as toilet.