This research aimed to study the status of research related to teaching students with ADHD
in Thailand, and to synthesize the body of knowledge from research on teaching students with ADHD
from 2007 to 2020. The researcher has synthesized 19 volumes of master's and doctoral degree theses
which had been published from 2007 to 2020. Three main database systems including 1) the database of
library network projects in Thailand - Thai Library Integrated System (ThaiLis), 2) the central electronic
journal database system of Thailand - Thai Journal Online (ThaiJo), and 3) University Library were used in
data collection. The sample group used in this research was a collection of research and studies related
to teaching students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in Thailand from 2007 to 2020. The
instrument used to collect data was a research selection form invented by the researcher as a tool data
collection and content analysis. Results of the research synthesis showed that the most productive year
of publishing the research was the academic year of 2010 and 2016 which had published three books
per year or 15.8 percent. The type of research that had been used the most was experimental research,
which was 16 volumes, accounting for 84.2 percent. The institution that had the highest number of
publications was Chulalongkorn University, which was 5 books or 26.3 percent. The highest number of
curriculums on deficit hyperactivity disorder was the master's degree program with 17 volumes,
representing 84.2 percent. The field of studies that most focus on deficit hyperactivity disorder was
educational psychology and counseling, mental health, and psychiatry which had published 3 books
each, accounting for 15.7 percent.