This Engineering project study on the position of fully developed flow in the acrylic rectangular pipe cross-sectional area 9000 mm2 which has the width of 300 height of 30 mm and the length of 1200 mm. The airflow rate is presented in terms of Reynold numbers in a range of 11500 to 32900. this experiment we used Particle
Image Velocimetry (PIV) to study the position of the fully developed flow by the reflection of a laser beam reflected on a particle whilst shooting photos of a particle. That let US know about the pattern of velocity will look the same in every section. an experiment to find out where the flow is fully developed, it can be viewed from a vector image of the flow in the same manner. The experimental result reveals that the Reynolds number flow range with a fully developed flow. Occurred in the Reynolds number at the distance below Re = 11500, 15000, 20300, 20900, 24400, 25100, 26500, 29500, 31300 and 32900 has a range of fully developed flow (mm.) is 6 0 6.7, 607.9, 623.4, 633.3, 648.3, 756.7, 829.4, 951.2, 1040.7. an experiment we can find out the equation of relationship between the range of fully developed flow and the Reynolds number is XFD = 0.0214(Re) + 256.9 to find out where the position of fully developed flow in pipe with the width to the length ratio equal 10.