This research aims to study the measures for managing solid waste in South Korea, which have affected Korean households’ waste management behavior. This research is based on a ‘document research’ approach to gather information on relevant laws for separating solid waste, extracted from the South Korean Environmental Protection Agency’s website and related research. The study found that South Korea has been systematically resolving the waste problem since 1995, starting from using a ‘Volume-Based Waste Fee system’ that requires Korean households to purchase designated VBWF bags for the purpose of discarding their garbage. The government has carried out public relation campaigns via media outlets to change people's attitudes about separating their household waste. Some of the initiatives contributing to this attitude change include: waiving waste collection fees for those who dispose of their waste in designated areas called ‘Clean House’ and applying fines to households who violate the law; increasing the convenience of food waste disposal by using RFID technology; using a ‘Separate Discharge Mark System’ to promote separating waste collection; controlling disposable plastic bags to reduce the use of plastic bags; using a ‘container deposits system’ to motivate recollection and reuse of empty containers by providing deposit for returning empty containers