Fuel cells is renewable energy are important and have a role in reducing pollution in the current situation. The objective of the research is to investigate the performance and efficiency of the high temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells (HT-PEMFC) and steam turbine integrated system using ASPEN PLUS. Firstly, the performance and efficiency of high temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells are studied. The fuel cell voltage (Eeell) enhance with increasing temperature and fuel utilization while it is inversely proportional to current density. It found that the maximum cell performance and efficiency are obtained at a temperature of 433 K, a pressure of 3 atmospheres and Uf of 0.8. Secondly, the unreact hydrogen from the fuel cells is heated up in combustion process and then is used produce steam in boiler for steam turbine operation. The steam turbine work and heat release from unreact hydrogen increase with respect to amount of the unrcact hydrogen from fuel cell. In addition, the overall efficiency of the HT-PEMFC and steam turbine is studied in this research. The overall efficiency enhances with the integration of HT-PEMFC and steam turbine.