This research was aimed to study fanner’s use of fanner machinery and equipmentat Ampur Ongkarak Changwad Nakhonnayok. To obtain possible reason behind the farmer’s decision making in farm machinery and equipment using . the researcher interviewed 89 fanners 54 farm machinery and equipment owners and 35 non- owners. It was found that fanners used farm machinery' and equipment mainly for land preparation for seed bed , transplanting and broadcasting field area in order to be able to cultivate in lime.It was observed that the use of mechanical tillage did not help fanners to gain more product than the traditional use of animal power. This was due to the fact that fanners did not improve necessary methods and technologies in the production process. Therefore , using modem equipment merely helped to facilitate farmers' work and to save lime so that cultivation could be finished in time.Various problems were found of equipment using; The equipment owners failed to work on lime , lack of money of the hirers , and unsatisfying work causing the hirers to complete which otherwise unnecessary.The study also indicated that lacking of knowledge in utilization and maintenance of most owners caused shorter life of farm machinery and equipment.Regarding the hypotheses started , it was found that there was no difference in ownership of farm machinery and equipment. even though , differences were found among ages, education levels . household members . family labor ,and family income. But difference was found among the areas of paddy land. Further study is recommended in Older to help fanners improve their farm practices and to use their farm equipment efficiently . in order to gain a maximum benefit form such equipment. More ever. the government should take prompt action to improve irrigation system , to promote land consolidation . and to provide more agricultural credits , as these arc well realized
as fundamental factors in fanning