The purposes of this study were to study travel motivation of Thai generation Y
tourists in Bangkok from using TikTok application and to identify the marketing
management guidelines for tourism industry. The samples were 3 8 5 Thai generation Y
tourists who were born between 1977- 2000, living in Bangkok and travelled in the last six
months (October 2021 - March 2022) and using TikTok application. A questionnaire was
used as a survey tool and data were analyzed statistically. The results were as followed;
The majority of Thai generation Y tourists in Bangkok were female whose age was
between 34 - 39 years old. They were employees who have bachelor’s degrees with their
incomes 15,001 - 30,000 baht per month. Most of them are using TikTok application for
relaxation and entertainment 3 - 4 hours a day between 4.01 p.m. - 8 p.m. and definitely
would travel after watching videos from TikTok application. The most effective push
factors for travel motivation is the need for pride in traveling and the most effective pull
factors for travel motivation is the physical evidence and the socio-economic features
conveyed by TikTok.
Comparison motivation of Thai generation Y tourists in Bangkok from using TikTok
application by gender, there was no significant difference at 0.05 levels and comparison
motivation of Thai generation Y tourists in Bangkok from using TikTok application by
income per month, there was significant difference at 0.05 levels.
The marketing management pattern for tourism industry with generation Y tourists
are publishing the videos between 4 .0 1 p.m. - 8 p.m. for more efficient outcomes and
creating tourism programs that are appropriate for the target audience who mostly travel
with family/relatives for 1 - 5 days and spend approximately 1,001 - 5,000 baht per time
per person.