This article aimed to studythe nudge theory test and loan repayment planning guidelines and to study and analyze factors influencing the repayment planning of student loan fund. This research using behavioral economics experimental tools by NudgeTheory test. The research results were found as follows: experiment with nudge to provide positive and negative information for the experimental group. The efficacy of the positive experimental group was 87.78% and the efficacy of the negative trial was 83.33%, while the control group was free of any intervention. It was found that there was a savings of 80.00% when offered to join the project with the National Savings Fund. Nudge using default option can increase all groups. The Logit model analysis revealed that the factors influencing the repayment planning of the Student Loan Fund were gender and the experimental group negative data, which was statistically significant level at 0.05. While, grades and the using Default Option, which was statistically significant level at 0.10. So, Nudge Theory can motivate to saving of individuals and powerful effect on change behavior to more saving.