The research’s purpose was to developing general education program for reinforcement undergraduate characteristics conform to Thailand Qualifications Framework for Higher Education 2009. It had 2 specific objectives: 1)to specify standard learning outcomes of general education program which conform to Thailand Qualifications Framework for Higher Education 2009 (undergraduate Level) 2)to develop the general education program of Srinakharinwirot University which curriculum development process comprised 4 steps: 1. to analize the fundamental data for specified standard learning outcomes of general education program, which studied documents and presented to Innovative Learning Center ‘s General Education Development Committee(20 members) in order to analyze content validity.2.todevelop the draft the general education program by studied documents and set workshop with the committee and Innovative Learning Center ‘s instructors (31 persons) 3. to validate the draft program by insideexperts from Innovative Learning Centerandother graduated faculties (69 persons)and 3 outside expertsfrom public andprivate universities and4. to evaluate thedraft programwhich composed of suitabilityand accordanceby 3insideexpertswho had both teaching experiences in general education and vocational education from the fields of health sciences, sciences and technology, social sciences and anthropology, collecting data by using2 choices questionnaires andevaluation results of the possibility for daily life and career of the general education program by 3 outside experts who were executive position in undergraduateuser organizations from the fields of health sciences, sciences and technology, social sciences and anthropology,collecting data by using5 rating scale questionnaire which Mean and Standard Deviation were used for data analysis.The research’s results divided by 2 specific objectives indicated that1) General education standard learning outcomes of Srinakharinwirot University which conform to Thailand Qualifications Framework for Higher Education2009 (undergraduate) had5 aspects:1. ethical and moral development:honest, good discipline, punctual, public mind, scarify, and realize value of art & culture 2.knowledge:fundamental knowledge of general education 3. cognitive skills: able to apply knowledge, systematic thinking & problem solving, assess situation based on knowledge, and creating innovation 4. interpersonal skills and responsibility: ability to work with others in both