Patient surgery, surgeon must to avoid contact with non-sterile equipment while operation. In some case, surgeon would like to use computer for investigate information and control medical images of the patient in order to plan the surgery themselves. This research propose a method of Detecting Hand Gesture for Applications in Operating Room Using 3D Image is composed of four modes (13 hand gesture) are as follows: to adjust the Contrast, to choose the picture appears on the screen, zoom, and shift picture. By using the Kinect camera to detect hand gestures used to control medical images. Process of system has 3 major parts: 1) identify hand from body parts 2) determine the areas that can be animated for use in the design statement, and 3) determine hand gesture for command system controlling images. This system will allow surgeon to control medical images without touching the computer directly. We have developed medical images control with one hand. And find new ways to control a variety of medical image.