The alternative treatment option for a permanent tooth loss is to install dental
implants. When a damaged tooth is a front tooth which affects beauty, dental implants are essential for treatment. A dental implant consists of abutment, screw and fixture. The front teeth are used to exert force when biting food causing long-term damage such as screw loosening and material or bone fracture. Therefore, this research designed the shape of the root connection with 3 types of abutment, namely Non-internal hex, Three spline and Penta spline, and campared them with the current popular model called Internal hex model. By simulating finite elements by applying the bite force of 120 N to front teeth. The result showed that Three spline model gave the best result in both the lower stress in material, and lower probability for screw loosening than other models. Those interested in the results of this research can use this knowledge for choosing dental implants in the future, including additional analysis of finite elements and laboratorial experiments for clinical results.