Cervical cancer is the leading cause of death for many women around the world.
Cervical cancer screening to plan a treatment before cancer develops can reduce the chance of death. This engineering project aims to study and improve a probe model for detecting precancerous tissue of the cervix using Electrical Impedance Tomography technique, since electrical impedance can be used to separate normal and abnormal tissue. Moreover, this project aims to study the effect of noise on the developed probe pattern. This research desires to detect cervical precancerous CIN 2/3 in both, CIN point and CIN oval. The planar electrode probe was designed for 12 patterns in a rectangular, circle, and oval shape with 4 mm of diameter and side length. The electrode size used was 0.5 mm using 4, 7, 8, and 9 electrodes. All patterns cannot locate precancerous
positions beneath electrode and outside electrode layout. All designed planar electrode probes were not significantly different in identifying the spreading of cervical precancerous around cervical orifice (CIN oval) but significantly different in identification of spot cervical precancerous (CIN Point). As, the average of center error of 9CIR layout is the lowest at 0.39. Moreover, it can receive noise intensity from 40 dB or more. In terms of manufacturing, the 7CIR layout is recommended as the electrode gap is 3 times greater than the 9CIR layout, while the center error is only increased by 0.48 mm, making it easier to construct with lower production costs.