Introduction: Enterobius vermicularis, Pinworn is widespread worldwide especially in tropical and equator zone and common found in school children. Almost cases are asymptomatic, thought, anal or vaginal pruritus, abdominal pain, constipation or diarrhea can still occur.
Method: This study aimed to determine the infections rate of Enterobius vermicularis in Primary chool Students 1-3, Ongkharak District, Nakhonnayok Province during March, 2016 to February 2017 by using the Scotch tape technique for investigation.
Result: In total, 1249 students were examined, of which 53.41% male and 46.59% female students were enrolled in this study. The most of subjects were the age group average 7.93 year olds. 197 cases were infected with E. vermicularis and the infection rate was 15.77%. In male (16.40%) were highly infection more than female (14.78). Most of pinworm infection was found in subject age group 8 year old (24.39%). Wat Phothaen School showed the highest prevalence (41.77%) and Anuban Ongkharak School with the lowest rate of 8.41%.
Discussion and Conclusion: This study shown that elementary pupil of Ongkharak District, Nakhonnayok province should be screening their health 1 - 2 times per year to reduce helminthic infection and following health education are required to emphasized implement for reduce the risk of pinworm infection in this population.