Pectoralis minor tightness directly involved increasing can effected to anterior tipping and
internal rotation of scapular motion that was not only reduced sub-coracoid space but also increased
nerve tension and compression. This condition commonly found in individuals who had rounded
shoulder posture. Cross-sectional study aimed to investigate the effects of pectoralis minor tightness on acromion distance and sensitivity response of ulnar nerve in participants with and without rounded
shoulder posture. Forty six participants were recruited in this study using convenience sampling.
Pectoralis minor tightness was assessed by acromion distance and ratio while sensitivity of ulnar nerve
was measured the ULNT III. As for the data analysis, unequal variance independent t-test was
employed to compare the pectoralis minor tightness between participants with and without rounded
shoulder groups whereas chi square test was compared sensitivity of ulnar nerve between both groups.
The results were shown that pectoralis minor tightness had significant difference between rounded and
without rounded shoulder groups (p=0.031); 0.32 (95%CI 0.28, 0.36) and 0.47 (95%CI 0.34, 0.61)
respectively. Of rounded shoulder group, 95% presented level 2 of sensitivity of ulnar nerve that had
significant higher than without rounded shoulder group (66.7%) (p=0.022). The findings in this study
conditionally suggest that releasing of pectoralis minor muscle tightness in individuals with rounded
shoulder are useful to reducing risks of ulnar nerve tension and compression.