The objectives of this research were to study the quality of domestic main water and the water of Nakornayok
river, and to compare waterborne diseases to water consumption behaviors of thirty-one subjects in Moo 7 community, Bangluksua sub-district, Ongkarak district in Nakornayok province. The quality of the domestic main water determined by chemical and microbiology method showed the normal standard values of pH and dissolved oxygen (DO), but 58.1 % and 45.2 % of households showed that coliform bacteria contamination in domestic main water were above normal standard. Similarly, coliform bacteria contamination in Nakornayok river was above standard and DO values were below standard, whereas pH values were in normal range. These results were confirmed by bio indicators. A total of 26 benthos from 5 families in 5 orders were obtained. The most abundant benthos was Palaemonidae family in Decapoda order. The score of BMWPTHAI and ASPTTHAI showed the water quality in moderate pollution level and the ShannonWiener index indicated poor to moderate water quality.Furthermore, the consuming water from Nakornayok river for drinking and cooking, and farm household was significantly correlated with diarrheal illness (p = 0.032 and 0.048,respectively). In addition, using water for transportation was correlated with contact dermatitis (p = 0.027)