Physical Therapy Division, Faculty of Health Science, Srinakharinwirot University, has two modes of admission to the undergraduate program: one through the entrance examination administered by the University, the other through that administered by the Office of the Higher Education Commission, Ministry of Education. This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness and the efficacy of the two admission modes so that the findings can be applied to achieve the goals of the admission process and to enhance its quality. The results of the admission from 2010 to 2012 academic years showed that of all the qualified students who had passed the University’s admission system only 33 (21.8%), 27 (18.4%) and 16 (8.8%) students registered for the program respectively. Whereas students registered from the admission of the Office of the Higher Education commission had greater numbers than admission plans. It was found that all of the first-year students admitted in 2012 academic year passed the achievement examination with a C grade and above, except two of them (1.14%) receiving a grade below C. These two students were accepted to the program through the admission of the Office of the Higher Education commission. Conclusions: Process of Admission achieved success. Its effectiveness of the admission process was evident in the achievement examination results of the qualified students; though, the numbers of students enrolled from University’s admission system were all less than the plans. The efficacy was clearly shown from the students with potential for academic success, realizing the objectives of the curriculum. However, It should be noted that the Physical Therapy Division should improve its present policy and strategies in order to increase the qualified enrollments, especially though the University admission.Keywords: quality, university admission, enrollments, higher education