This research, firstly, aims at systematically collecting the words which are nouns in the
content of the Thai language book named Pongsawadan Vietnam (Vietnamese chronicle
history) - the edition translated by Nay Yong Kong Thaharn Puan Yay and edited by Tian Wan.
The chosen nouns are proper nouns and specific common nouns which refer to the name of
a special person, place, position, or a group of special terms. The glossary size consists of
3,310 words. Most of them are the Thai written record forms of the Vietnamese word sounds.
Some of them are other languages, such as Chinese, Thai, Laotian, Cambodian, Cham, English,
French... Then, the researcher reorganizes the list according to the Thai alphabet letter order,
from ‘ko kai’ to ‘ho nok-huk’ (ก- ฮ). Last, each Thai word is equipped with a Vietnamese word
as well as its Thai written record form of that Vietnamese word sound to show the way of
reading this by Thai language for that borrowed word.