The particleboards currently being used are manufactured with synthetic adhesives
containing formaldehyde. It is a substance that is harmful to health and has a negative impact
on the environment. Therefore, the development of a binderless particleboard is interesting.
The adhesion properties of the lignocellulose material in agricultural waste have been used
to develop environmentally friendly products. This research aims to develop binderless
particleboard using agricultural waste materials such as rice straw and banana psuedostem.
These raw materials are abundant, easy to grow and fast growing. This research explored the
feasibility of using rice straw and banana psuedostem to produce binderless particleboards.
The optimal preparation conditions for production were carried out using the ratio of rice
straw to banana psuedostem at 100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75 and 0:100, pressing temperatures of
140, 160 and 180 °C, compression times of 10 and 30 minutes and pressure of 5 MPa. The
mechanical modulus of rupture (MOR) and modulusof elasticity (MOE) and physical properties
density moisture content and thickness swelling (TS) of particleboard were investigated.
Morphological analysis was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It was found that
it is possible to produce particleboard from rice straw and banana psuedostem. The optimum
preparation condition was are with the ratio of rice straw to the banana psuedostem at 0:100
and pressing temperature at 180 °C for 30 minutes. The high percentage of banana
psuedostem, high temperature and long compression time resulted in good density,
mechanical properties, and adhesion. These properties will decrease when the proportion of
the banana psuedostem decreases. due to the higher content of holocellulose and lignin in
the banana psuedostem. Binderless particleboard with a high percentage of banana
psuedostem, high temperature and compression time will result in lower moisture content of
the particleboard. The 100 percent rice straw binderless particleboard in all temperatures and
hot-pressing periods provide optimum humidity.