Alice in Wonderland syndrome (AIWS) is a rarely curious visual perceptual disorder which has been associated with diverse neurologic and psychiatric problems. It may be a manifestation in migraine, epileptic seizures, encephalitis, other brain lesions, medication-related side effects, schizophrenia, and depressive disorders. Principal character of AIWS is the disproportion between the external world and the self-image in which micropsia (objects appear smaller), macropsia (objects appear larger), and teleopsia (objects appear further away) are frequently reported. The cases of temporal lobe epilepsy may present with complex visual auras of visual distortions (e.g., micropsia and macropsia) like AIWS. We report an unusual case of an elderly man who presented with AIWS, focal impaired awareness seizures, ictal tachyarrhythmia, multiple episodes of transient visual disturbances of macropsia and transient loss of consciousness. During those symptoms, telemetry showed self-limited supraventricular tachycardia several times which could not be regulated with heart rate-controlled medication. The electroencephalography was later tested and showed rhythmic theta activity over the right cerebral hemisphere. He was treated with levetiracetam, and all his symptoms and tachyarrhythmias were gradually resolved thereafter. Refractory response to treatment would remind the physicians to reassess for the correct diagnosis. © 2021 The Author(s). Published by S. Karger AG, Basel.