Objective: To compare the biomechanical properties of the Chinese finger (CF) suture, a needleless suture technique, with the baseball stitch (BS) suture, a needled suture technique, in a multi-strand model by using a 4-strand tendon model. Additionally, the BS was compared with the serial rolling hitch (RH), a locking needleless suture technique. Materials and Methods: 4-strand grafts, made from two 20-cm fresh porcine toe extensors, were used in all three groups. After the grafts were sutured, pretension was applied with a load of 100-N distraction force for five minutes. After the tendon elongation was measured before and after the pretension, the distraction force was continued until the constructed graft failed. Stress-strain relationship graphs were recorded by universal testing machine (UTM), distributing to the calculation of percentage on tendon elongation, stiffness, and load-to-failure. Results: The BS had significantly higher load of failure than the CF (p=0.001) but no significant difference when compared with the RH. Comparing between BS, CF, and RH, there were no significant difference in stiffness and percentage of tendon elongation. In modes of failure, there was evidence of knot slipping in CF in six of six cases and graft strangulation in RH in four of six cases. Conclusion: Multi-strand model BS, a needled suture, had a higher load to failure than CF, a needleless suture. Moreover, needleless sutures had serious modes of failure, which were knot slipping and strangulation of graft by the suture material. Therefore, needleless suture technique for multi-strand tendon graft preparation was not recommended. © JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION OF THAILAND | 2021.