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Browsing by Author "Abdel Khalek A.M."

Browsing by Author "Abdel Khalek A.M."

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  • McCrae R.R.; Terracciano A.; 78 Members of the Personality Profiles of Cultures Project; Khoury B.; Nansubuga F.; Kneževič G.; Djuric Jocic D.; Ahn H.-N.; Ahn C.-K.; De Fruyt F.; Gülgöz S.; Ruch W.; Arif Ghayur M.; Avia M.D.; Sánchez-Bernardos M.L.; Rossier J.; Dahourou D.; Fischer R.; Shakespeare-Finch J.; Yik M.; Smith P.B.; Angleitner A.; Ostendorf F.; Halim M.S.; Hřebíčková M.; Martin T.A.; Sineshaw T.; Sekowski A.; Klinkosz W.; Prentice G.; McRorie M.; Flores-Mendoza C.; Shimonaka Y.; Nakazato K.; Mastor K.A.; Barbaranelli C.; Alcalay L.; Simonetti F.; Pramila V.S.; Falzon R.; Lauri M.A.; Borg Cunen M.A.; Calleja S.S.; de Lima M.P.; Bratko D.; Marušić I.; Allik J.; Realo A.; Abdel Khalek A.M.; Alansari B.M.; del Pilar G.E.H.; Oluyinka Ojedokun A.; Munyae M.; Budzinski L.; Oishi S.; Diener E.; Chittcharat N.; Wang L.; Beer A.; Humrichouse J.; Lykke Mortensen E.; Henrik Jensen H.; Jónsson F.H.; Ficková E.; Adamovová L.; Rus V.S.; Podobnik N.; Zupancic A.; Diaz-Loving R.; Leibovich N.B.; Schmidt V.; Reátegui N.; Brunner-Sciarra M.; Ayearst L.E.; Trobst K.K.; Matsumoto D.; Neubauer A.; Porrata J.; Rolland J.-P.; Petot J.-M.; Camart N. (2005)
    To test hypotheses about the universality of personality traits, college students in 50 cultures identified an adult or college-aged man or woman whom they knew well and rated the 11,985 targets using the 3rd-person version ...