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ชื่อเรื่อง: The Syntax of Wh-expressions as Variables in Thai
ผู้แต่ง: Ruangjaroon, Sugunya.
Keywords: probe-goal relation
Neg probe
Qux,IarityJ probe
match c-command relation
locality conditions
วันที่เผยแพร่: 2007
บทคัดย่อ: This paper presents an in-depth examination of Thai wh-expressions as variables. I claim that wh-expressions are variables with no inherent interrogative force. As variables, they acquire clifferent interpretations in different contexts. A syntactic relation between the operator and the variable is implemented in terms of the probe-goal relation (Chomsky 2000). The probegoal relation is established by the operation of Match. In Thai, a goal (as a variable) is "underspecified" for featural content. A feature specified on the probe is copied onto the underspecified goal, thereby satisfYing feature matching. In wh-contexts, the probe is identified as a covert interrogative <4whJ The [wh] feature of the probe Q is copied onto the underspecified goal. I argue that the probe-goal relation is established via Match (without Move). The covert <4whJ probe is base-generated in C. In the context of negation, a goal matches the [neg] feature on the Neg probe, hence functioning as a Negative Polarity Item (NPl). In a yes-no construction, the goal matches the [polarity] feature on the Qux,larityJ probe, functioning as an Existential Polarity Item (EPl). The probe-goal relation is predictably constrained by the c-command relation and locality conditions.
Appears in Collections:Ling-Journal articles

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