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Title: Supersymmetrizing a Quantum Mechanical System
Authors: Uttayarat P.
Keywords: Degrees of freedom (mechanics)
High energy physics
Oscillators (mechanical)
Quantum optics
Quantum theory
Active field
Degree of freedom
Harmonic oscillators
Quantum field theory
Quantum system
Quantum-mechanical system
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: Supersymmetry (SUSY) is one of the most active fields of research in high-energy physics and particle physics. However, SUSY is not so easily accessible for students wishing to get started on this field of research due to complexities often associated with quantum field theories. In this article, I'll discuss some aspects of SUSY in the context of quantum mechanics. In particular, I'll demonstrate how to supersymmetrize a familiar quantum system in the case of a square well and a harmonic oscillator. The harmonic oscillator clearly demonstrate the hallmark of SUSY which link a bosonic degree of freedom and a fermionic degree of freedom. I'll briefly discuss the applications of SUSY in particle physics. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
ISSN: 17426588
Appears in Collections:Scopus 1983-2021

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