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Design and implementation of CO2incubator to study the effect of Wi-Fi 6 signals on human cells

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dc.contributor.author Watanalaorsomboon S.
dc.contributor.author Punpai S.
dc.contributor.author Tanechpongtamb W.
dc.contributor.author Tarateeraseth V.
dc.date.accessioned 2022-03-10T13:16:43Z
dc.date.available 2022-03-10T13:16:43Z
dc.date.issued 2021
dc.identifier.other 2-s2.0-85112842314
dc.identifier.uri https://ir.swu.ac.th/jspui/handle/123456789/17279
dc.identifier.uri https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85112842314&doi=10.1109%2fECTI-CON51831.2021.9454868&partnerID=40&md5=ad87e863d6db17a81b2ba9ac0599eedc
dc.description.abstract In order to study the effect of Wi-Fi 6 signals on human cells, the do-it-yourself (DIY) CO2 incubator with electromagnetic (EM) shielding is designed and implemented. To maintain the temperature level between 36-37°C and CO2 level at 5 % (50, 000 ppm), the Arduino UNO r3 is used. The proposed CO2 incubator is compared with the commercial CO2 incubator by cell incubating test to confirm CO2 incubator's functions. To prevent unintentional effects from outside Wi-Fi signals, this paper proposes the EM shielding design using Ott's method [10]. From experimental results, it can be concluded that the cell incubating test result of the DIY CO2 incubator is similar to that of the commercial CO2 incubator, and the implemented EM shielding can reduce the 2.4 and 5 GHz Wi-Fi signals from outside up to 15 dB. Moreover, from the preliminary results of cell viability, it shows that there is no any significant effect of Wi-Fi 6 signals to WS-1 cell line. © 2021 IEEE.
dc.language en
dc.subject Carbon dioxide
dc.subject Cell culture
dc.subject Cells
dc.subject Shielding
dc.subject Wireless local area networks (WLAN)
dc.subject Cell lines
dc.subject Cell viability
dc.subject Design and implementations
dc.subject Do it yourself
dc.subject EM shielding
dc.subject Human cells
dc.subject Temperature level
dc.subject Wi-Fi signals
dc.subject Electromagnetic shielding
dc.title Design and implementation of CO2incubator to study the effect of Wi-Fi 6 signals on human cells
dc.type Conference Paper
dc.rights.holder Scopus
dc.identifier.bibliograpycitation ECTI-CON 2021 - 2021 18th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology: Smart Electrical System and Technology, Proceedings. Vol , No. (2021), p.654-657
dc.identifier.doi 10.1109/ECTI-CON51831.2021.9454868

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